Monday 6 February 2012

Shisha Flavors for a pleasant smoking:

A shisha popular in all over the world these days is a great way to entertain yourselves and have a fun time. In the previous days, you had to smoke only the tobacco flavor, later on flavors like molasses, honey  have been tried. As we have a saying, necessity is the mother of invention people found different shisha flavors which contain low portions of tobacco. There by, lessening the intake of nicotine. Isn’t that interesting!
Generally, the tobacco that is used for smoking hookah is different than the type found in cigarettes. Shisha tobacco is a blend of many different flavors, sometimes tobacco is blended along with herbal molasses and honey too. In normal cigarettes, only one flavor is available and you will be bored of smoking the same flavor every day. These days, however, you can find variety of awesome shisha flavors to improve the shisha smoking. 

The shisha flavors you purchase do not contain much amount of tobacco. It has only 35% of tobacco and the remaining content is the fruit flavorings. Shisha tobacco does not contain high amounts of nicotine when compared to cigarettes. You can find many shisha flavors such as Al-faker, watermelon, orange, mango, strawberry, grape, mint, peach strawberry, banana, rose and many more. It tastes best when you mix and match the combinations. Some of the interesting mixing combinations are apple- fresh mint, watermelon- fresh mint, and strawberry –peach, strawberry –banana, mango-peach, fresh mint – rose. You can try experimenting with the other combinations also.
You can also find other shisha flavors which you would love to try and have a peasant smoke with your loved ones. Others include cherry, coco, vanilla etc. Make sure you not add two strong flavors, as most of the people cannot enjoy that strong aroma and smoke. It is always better to try mild flavors. You should take care of the fact that, when you invite friends and family, you know their taste. Especially women like the light yet punching flavors. Always avoid such shisha flavors in get-togethers or parties which are not liked by your guests or friends.

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